Battle Ground Campus
Battle Ground Campus Pastor Jon Siebert and His Family

God has been so good to me! I married my sweetheart, Jen, whom I met on a blind date at senior prom, and we have 3 great kids. I spent much of my adult life serving the Lord in vocational ministry in various roles throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada, before joining staff here at Summit View Church in 2008.

My family has been in Clark County for 6+ generations and I have a deep love for this area and the people of Clark County—although I wouldn’t mind a little more sunshine now and then. My desire is to make much of Jesus and empower as many people as possible to walk for a lifetime with Christ. When I get a moment to myself I enjoy reading about history, being outdoors, or making things in my wood shop.
– Jon Siebert, Battle Ground Campus Pastor
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10


912 E Main St
Battle Ground, WA 98604


(360) 260-8300

Service Times

In-person & Facebook Live
Sundays at 9 & 11 AM

Attend Service

Battle Ground Staff

Jon Siebert
Battle Ground Local Lead Pastor
Trevor Winsor
Associate Minister | Battle Ground Campus
Marc Arima
Director of Youth and Spiritual Formations | Battle Ground Campus
Ashley Ainley
Worship Director | Battle Ground Campus
Sheaden Crabtree
Family Ministry Coordinator | Battle Ground Campus
Maleah Sanders
SV Kids Ministry Assistant | Battle Ground Campus
Danae Castle
Administrative Assistant | Battle Ground Campus
Marissa Letsis
Communications Coordinator | Battle Ground
Tim Ainley
Deacon | Battle Ground | Life Groups
Duane Koehler
Deacon | Battle Ground | Student Ministries
Deanna Koehler
Deacon | Battle Ground |
Craig Lampinen
Deacon | Battle Ground |Ushers
Luke Loberg
Deacon | Battle Ground | Sunday Service
Tim Snell
Deacon | Battle Ground | Worship
John Zora
Deacon | Battle Ground | Youth & Special Projects

Battle Ground Sermons